
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Road less traveled for Black People

Why would anyone want to oppress a person who has done nothing to them? I start off with this question to say that black people have been put down a lot in America. I know it is hard to rise past some of the struggles in life(everybody goes thru them) but as a people we need to try and solve something.
I know you tired of not having enough money or trying to make things stretch, and this is exactly why BLACK PEOPLE need to start taking the road less traveled(the hard way). I say this meaning that we need to try to become SELF-MADE lawyers, doctors, business owners, etc... It seems like nowadays everyone is content with not doing anything as far as real action. It's a lot of people just sitting back complaining, but the more you complain through life, the more it just passes you by....Where are the people that are tired of living the same way, where are the people that are tired of seeing their own go through struggle everyday. When you see your brother or sister struggling, you are supposed to help(encourage) them, instead we make fun of our own or we don't encourage them. If you encourage me and I encourage you.... goals will be accomplished that we never seen before. So if another black person does something you don't do!! That's them, that's their way of expression...and if you show them love, not only do you keep progress going, but you also bring that togetherness that black people should pass on. All I'm saying is that we as a people need to wake up and make the world around us, instead of trying to get out the way of obstacles.
Before I log off, I want yall to think about this.

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