
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Follow your heart, motivate your mind

Good Morning family, have you ever wanted to achieve something you thought was out of your success level? You were so worried about the outcome that you didn't even pursue success?
If so, don't be ashamed, cause we have all been there before(I have many times in my life) When you pass up opportunity sometimes it feels like the world is passing you by. You always hear people saying "I coulda did that" or the other popular phrase "its not that hard" I want people to wake up and stop saying I COULD OF or I SHOULD OF.... we need more people saying IM ON IT or I GOT TO KEEP WORKING. This country is so un-motivated, ecspecially my people(black). We need more people that want to create the world instead of just be in it. I know when you were a little kid there were so many things you wanted to do. That's passion, get your passion back and boost your mental. Your heart will never lead you in the wrong place. Hearts are full of love, compassion, and fairness, and if you can get your mind to match where your heart is.. the universe is the limit.
I know when you try to live a positive life, the negatives come out heavy and they try to knock you off track. BUT if you look at it this way : Negatives come when they see you doing good, so obviously that means you need to fight thru that and triumph! Success only comes from tribulation or hard times. That's the message I am trying to get out to yall this morning.. When things get hard, don't get discouraged, get happy!! That means something is trying to block you from success, because it knows your capable.
Just keep these words in mind as you go out today
DONT LET ANYBODY CONTROL YOUR MIND(we all have a mind of our owns #WOW

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